Design and Implementation of Public Pension Funds

Design and Implementation of Public Pension Funds

$ 1,900

  • Duration:  5 days
  • Date: 27 – 31 October 2024
  • Location:  Bahrain
  • Fees: US$1,900 plus VAT (inclusive of coffee, refreshments and luncheon)
  • Trainer: To be selected from Trainers listed on our website.


The level of importance of pensions within socio-economic systems is matched only by their complexity. Building sustainable and inclusive systems which assure decent retirement incomes is a key challenge for pension schemes and regulators.

This course aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the conceptual and practical issues involved in the design and implementation of pension and social security systems.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss challenging issues concerning pensions and social security, and work toward solutions with other participants and experts.

The course reflects on worldwide data, analysis and knowledge. It aims to provide policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of the approaches for analyzing pension systems and policy and institutional reform options. The course reviews lessons from pension reforms around the world and uses team exercises for participants to explore reform options using some country examples.

This course will cover:

Who should attend?

This course is designed for policymakers, policy analysts, research staff, directors, professionals and senior staff from public and private pension funds, directors from finance, social affairs and labour ministries, actuaries, risk managers, auditors, and financial industry professionals.
