Investment Risk Analysis & Management

Investment Risk Analysis & Management

$ 1,900

  • Duration:  5 days
  • Date: 17 – 21 November 2024
  • Location:  Dubai
  • Fees: US$1,900 plus VAT (inclusive of coffee, refreshments and luncheon)
  • Trainer: To be selected from Trainers listed on our website.


This course offers an overview of critical aspects for ensuring the successful long-term performance of any investment. Given the rapidly changing investment environment, characterised by a technological revolution and highly volatile markets, this training underscores the importance of identifying winning investments and managing risk amidst current market volatility.

The program provides an opportunity to learn about various risk management and performance analysis tools. Participants can expect to learn how to select a good investment, manage associated risks, and analyse returns. The skill to mitigate risk exposure using financial derivatives as instruments is also part of this training module.

Key areas covered by the course include selection of outperforming investments, asset allocations across broad asset classes, investment risk management, and application of financial derivatives to mitigate risk exposure.

An in-depth analysis of returns and performance measures will also be discussed extensively in the course, helping investors to maintain performance under volatile market conditions.

Attendees will gain from refreshed insights and tangible abilities in financial administration, enabling them to contribute more significantly to the growth and enhancement of investments. 

This course will cover:

Who should attend?

The course is relevant for individual investors, institutional investors, financial analysts, and investment companies, as well as financial and non-financial institutions, non-profit, government and endowment funds. It is suitable for a wide range of professionals such as financial accountants, investment analysts and advisers, traders, investor relations, financial planning, board members and investors in general.
