Investment Management of Pension & Social Insurance Funds

Investment Management of Pension & Social Insurance Funds

$ 2,000

  • Duration:  5 days
  • Date: 17 – 21 November 2024
  • Location:  Dubai
  • Fees: US$2000 plus VAT (inclusive of coffee, refreshments and luncheon)
  • Trainer: To be selected from Trainers listed on our website.


The management of social insurance and pension funds is critical to the sustainability of the scheme they support. Efficient asset management of pension funds is so significant due to fiscal and financing pressures in the short term and increasing demographic challenges in the longer term. Given this reality, the management of such funds requires an increasing focus on governance, performance, the treatment of risk and linkages to actuarial projections.

Stagnant stock market and changes in the interest rates are having a dramatic impact on pension fund performance and their ability to fund future liabilities. To ensure sufficient resources are available for existing and future retirees involve a complex set of decisions and assumptions on asset returns, interest rates, inflation rates and future salary growth.

Since inflation is potentially expected to rise in many economies, pension funds are increasingly searching to invest across different asset classes including real estate to hedge against the threat of rising prices.

This training course focuses on pension fund investment philosophy, style, asset allocation, and performance of their portfolios. It aims to address many of the current pension issues from both the asset and liability perspectives to give you a holistic appreciation of the complex issues involved.

This course will cover:

Who should attend?

This course is designed for executive management, board members, trustees, middle management, investment teams, managers, actuaries, HR and employee benefit consultants, risk consultants and internal auditors of public and private pension funds as well as finance and investment professionals.
